Oil & Gas
Case Study
Solving the Wastewater Challenge: The mining and power sectors are facing increasingly stringent water regulations. Meeting effluent quality standards for sulfate and selenium has been a challenge with existing technology. Conventional precipitation methods struggle to reduce sulfate concentrations below 1,200 mg/L, and costly membrane-based processes are subject to fouling and generate large streams of rejected waste. With sulfate and selenium discharge limits as low as 250 mg/L and 1 μg/L respectively, there is a need for an economical solution that addresses sulfates and selenium in one efficient process.
White Paper
Reducing the Risks of AMD: Acid mine drainage (AMD) is source of significant liability for the mining industry and potentially an environmental risk. HydroFlex™, an innovative water processing technology from Winner Water Services, is an effective tool for the removal of contaminants from AMD to meet stringent effluent regulations for environmental discharge – and can be a safe and effective source of water for water-intensive applications like hydraulic fracturing. HydroFlex™, by design, is a flexible technology capable of being a standalone treatment for the removal of metals and anions (sulfate, selenite, nitrate), or it can be incorporated into existing treatment operations to focus on challenging contaminants; enabling a facility or mine to meet challenging regulatory requirements.
Mining/Power Companies
Case Study
Cleaning Up Coal: Coal continues to be an important part of the U.S. energy mix, with coal-fired power plants producing 39% of the nation’s energy in 2014. However, power companies are facing increasing regulatory and community pressure to reduce the amounts of heavy metals and other potentially problematic elements in their waste streams. New processes are needed to help power companies meet the latest regulations and guidelines.