Contaminated water from mining operations presents tremendous environmental challenges for the industry. Winner Water Services can help. HydroFlex is a practical and economical alternative for treating sulfates and other contaminants in mine waste water.
Storing or transporting contaminated water from mining operations generates significant costs and risks for mining companies. Dewatering working mines or associated impoundments may be the best approach to reducing the potential for accidental releases associated with long-term storage and containment. However, water must meet stringent environmental regulations before it can be released. The rising cost of many traditional treatment technologies has made this option economically impractical for many companies.
In order to reduce long-term liabilities and meet environmental permitting requirements, mining companies need an integrated approach to water management that is both technically feasible and cost effective. HydroFlex provides a practical, economical alternative to long-term storage and containment of contaminated mine water. Because Hydroflex can be a standalone treatment option, the system operates in the most economical way possible. It is helping mining companies meet their goals for environmental stewardship and get the most out of their water management budgets.

Power Companies
The EPA has imposed more stringent environmental regulations on coal-fired power plants. HydroFlex can be an excellent tool meet effluent limitations and help power companies ensure that they are compliant with the Clean Water Act.
The HydroFlex process is significantly less expensive than trucking wastewater away to be stored or treated. And unlike lime beds, it can also remove sulfates to discharge standards, making water safe for reuse in industrial operations or environmental release. HydroFlex helps power companies meet new environmental regulations by efficiently removing metal cations as well as sulfate, selenium, phosphorous and nitrogen anions from wastewater. The technology meets EPA recommendations that power plants design and operate a water treatment system on site and reduces the risk of accidental releases from coal waste dumps
Oil & Gas
Winner Water Services is a leader in delivering environmentally optimized, fully integrated water solutions for the oil and gas industry. Our innovative HydroFlex technology puts contaminated water from abandoned mines to good use for hydraulic fracturing operations. The mobility and flexibility of Hydroflex enables us to offer sulfate removal where you need it most.
Millions of gallons of water are collecting in abandoned mines throughout the Appalachian area and in western states. Left untreated, Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) from these mines can have significant environmental and economic consequences. But with HydroFlex, abandoned mine pools can become an economical and convenient source of water for hydraulic fracturing and other operations.
Water purification and sulfate recovery has been demonstrated at two separate mine impacted water sites in Pennsylvania. In demonstration projects at Fawn Mine in Sarver, PA, HydroFlex has been shown to reduce sulfate concentrations in AMD by up to 90%—a significant improvement over competing technologies.
The field system operation has demonstrated the ability to treat water to a variety of standards depending on the end user requirements. The current 100 GPM HydroFlex system is made up of skid-mounted units to flexibly treat a variety of water sources while maintaining the ability to be relocated to different demonstration sites.

Industrial Manufacturing
Winner Water Services provides practical and economical water solutions for a wide variety of manufacturing industries. Whether you are looking for a viable alternative to freshwater consumption for your operations, or a solution for treating wastewater created by your processes, we can help.
Winner Water Services makes manufacturing plants more sustainable and profitable by reducing reliance on freshwater sources and providing practical options for wastewater treatment. HydroFlex efficiently removes contaminants from industrial wastewater, including sulfate, selenium, phosphorous and nitrogen anions. It meets EPA regulations for removal of sulfates and other contaminants so wastewater can be safely reused in your operations or released to the environment. Our flexible, modular technology can be installed on site permanently or moved to a different location when your project is complete.